january, 2022

janOffice of Social Ministry Health Clinic

Event Details

The office is staffed with a full-time Director, a full-time Jesuit Volunteer, Community Navigation Workers, Case-Managers, and Volunteers. We work in partnership with Gardner Healthcare, Healthcare to the Homeless Project, (HCH). Healthcare positions are funded through the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, a federal grant administered by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services partnered with churches and community centers. There are now 208 HCH projects nationally. The Social Ministry Office is funded with Cathedral Concerts, Church Donations, Private Donations, Second Harvest Food Bank, and Grants. We serve approximately 150 individuals per day, with a wide variety of denominations, ethnicities and traditions. All services are provided free of charge.

The Window 9:30A.M. – 5:00PM Closed 12:00-1:30P.M.



Month Long Event (january)


Office of the Social Ministry, 195 E. San Fernando St. San Jose CA 95112


Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph